Lord, Jesus Christ,
You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Hear our prayer for truth and integrity
in all segments of society today.
May the truth be spoken by us and affirmed in others,
that in seeking truth, the world will come to find You,
the Source of All Truth.
Wherever relationships are weakened by deception or hypocrisy,
strengthen good Christian character among us
that we may bear witness to the critical need for truth.
May your Spirit of Truth fashion minds and hearts
open to a moral integrity so strong
that both words and actions can be trusted.
In public and private life,
deepen among us a genuine commitment
to honest, sincerity and truth-telling.
Let nations and peoples not compromise truth
by rationalization or pretense,
but safe-guard and defend it always
as Your most precious gift.
Lord, may those around us come to know
that they can take us at our word,
until that day when all the world lives in truth
and the Truth sets us free.