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Daily Prayer Archive

May 6, 2020

Lord, sometimes when we are frustrated or angry
we can be unkind to those we love the most. 
This can be especially true during this time of stress
and anxiety brought on by the corona virus. 
So we call upon your name to help us
to control our own anxiety.
Help us to be patient with those close to us
who are feeling pain in some way at this time.


– By a Columban Missionary

May 5, 2020

St. Columban of Mt. Leinster, Bangor, Luxeuil, Bregenz and Bobbio,
your name rings out across the world.
Come to our aid and rise up to help us in our need.
As pilgrims on the journey,
we ask you to keep us safe from
the coronavirus that knows no borders.
Heal those who suffer;
protect those who are exposed and vulnerable;
enlighten all who respond;
guide those who govern;
calm our fears;
give us a new vision of Life;
and intercede for us before God the Most High
to stop the spread of this virus that
we may continue to work together
for a new civilization of love for all.

— By a Columban Missionary

May 4, 2020

Lord Jesus Christ, may Your peace and mercy
enter into this house along with my humble entrance.
Let every wickedness of the devil flee from this place.
May the angels of peace be here,
and may every sinful discord leave this home.
Show that Your name is great among us, O Lord.
Lord, You are holy and faithful,
and You remain with the Father
and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.


May 3, 2020

Heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest,
call many members of our community
to be generous workers for Your people
and to gather in Your harvest.
Send them to share the Good News of Jesus
with all the people on earth.

Father, we ask this prayer through Christ our Lord.


May 2, 2020

It becomes you to be mindful of us,
as you stand near Him who granted you all graces,
for you are the Mother of God and our Queen.
Help us for the sake of the King,
the Lord God and Master who was born of you.
For this reason,
you are called full of grace.
Remember us, most Holy Virgin,
and bestow on us gifts
from the riches of your graces,
O Virgin full of grace.

May 1, 2020

O great St. Peregrine, you who have been
called "The Mighty," "The Wonder-Worker"
because of the numerous miracles which
you have obtained from God for those who
have had recourse to you.

For so many years, you bore in your
own flesh this cancerous disease
that destroys the very fiber of our being,
and who had recourse to the source of
all grace when the power of man
could do no more.

You were favored with the vision
of Jesus coming down from His Cross
to heal your affliction. Ask of God and
Our Lady, the cure of the sick
whom we entrust to you.

Aided in this way by your powerful intercession,
we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity,
a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy.


April 30, 2020

Father, you chose Saint Pius V as pope of your Church
to protect the faith and give you more fitting worship.
By his prayers,
help us celebrate your holy mysteries
with a living faith and an effective love.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


April 29, 2020

God of Wisdom
you made our sister Catherine burn with Divine love
in contemplating the Lord's passion
and in serving your Church.
With the help of her prayers may your people,
united in the mystery of Christ,
rejoice forever in the revelation of his glory,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.


April 28, 2020

My powerful Queen,
you are all mine through your mercy,
and I am all yours.
Take away from me all that may displease God
and cultivate in me all that is pleasing to Him.
May the light of your faith
dispel the darkness of my mind,
your deep humility
take the place of my pride,
your continual sight of God
fill my memory with His presence.
May the first of the love of your heart
inflame the lukewarmness of my own heart.
May your virtues take the place of my sins.
May your merits be my enrichment
and make up for all
that is wanting in me before God.
My beloved Mother,
grant that I may have no other spirit but your spirit,
to know Jesus Christ and his Divine will
and to praise and glorify the Lord,
that I may love God with burning love like yours.


April 27, 2020

In these times, we are led to protect 
ourselves and our neighbors. 
Lord, strengthen us to be in solidarity 
and protective of each other 
Help us to live with charity and compassion. 


— By a Columban Missionary 

April 26, 2020

O Mother of Perpetual Help,
grant me ever to be able to call upon your powerful name,
since your name is the help of the living
and the salvation of the dying.
Ah, Mary most pure, Mary most sweet,
grant that your name from this day forth
may be to me the very breath of life.
Dear Lady, delay not to come to my assistance
whenever I call upon you;
for in all the temptations that assail me,
in all the necessities that befall me,
I will never leave off calling upon you,
ever repeating: Mary, Mary.
What comfort, what sweetness,
what confidence, what tenderness fills my soul
at the sound of your name,
at the very thought of you!
I give thanks to our Lord,
who for my sake has given you a name so sweet,
so lovable, so mighty.
But I am not content merely to speak your name;
I would utter it for very love of you;
it is my desire that love
should ever remind me to name you,
Mother of Perpetual Help.

April 25, 2020

O God, who raised up Saint Mark, your Evangelist,
and endowed him with the grace to preach the Gospel,
grant, we pray, that we may so profit from his teaching
as to follow faithfully in the footsteps of Christ.
Who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


April 24, 2020

Under your protection, O Mary, we ask your help at this time. 
Under your protection, O Blessed Virgin, we are confident in times of stress. 
Under your protection, O Queen of heaven, we on earth feel blessed. 
Under your protection, O Mother of Jesus, we place our families in your gentle hand. 
Under your protection, O Mother of Christians, we feel safe and secure. 
Under your protection, O Mother of the healing Jesus, we pray for the compassion of your Son. 
By Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director 

April 23, 2020

Saint Adalbert, Patron and Guardian of parishes,
we entrust you with our needs, our hard work and our very souls.
Through your intercession,
may we obtain the necessary grace to lead faithful lives,
may we always be guided by love and a sense of justice,
and may we always remain confident in God’s goodness and his love.
Lead those who have gone astray back to the Church.
Obtain penance for the weak
and perseverance for those who love you.
Protect and guide our married couples,
our families, and our youth.
Assist all parents in the raising of their children.
Pray to God for our sick and suffering parishioners.
Bless our parish.
Awaken in us a faithful spirit and a love for Our Lady.
Through your intercession, may we love our Church,
live in accordance with the commandments,
and may we achieve everlasting life.


April 22, 2020

Lord Jesus, in your own time and down through the centuries 
You became known as someone who could cure people through the power of God. 
We believe that you do much more than offer a physical cures. 
More central to Your mission on earth is the strengthening of people’s faith in every age, 
so that they may live as a people of hope. 
In this season of health crisis, we need your presence. 
We need your healing hand. 
And our spirits need a stronger faith, fuller confidence, more trust in you and in each other. 
Bless us with this gift, we pray. 
—  Columban Fr. John Burger, U.S. Regional Director 


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984