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Daily Prayer Archive

January 28, 2019

Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator,
true source of light and fountain of wisdom!
Pour forth your brilliance upon my dense intellect,
dissipate the darkness which covers me,
that of sin and of ignorance.
Grant me a penetrating mind to understand,
a retentive memory,
method and ease in learning,
the lucidity to comprehend,
and abundant grace in expressing myself.
Guide the beginning of my work,
direct its progress,
and bring it to successful completion.
This I ask through Jesus Christ,
living and reigning with You
and the Father, forever and ever.


January 27, 2019

All praise and glory are Yours, almighty Father:
You have given us Your Son Jesus to save us from sin.
We praise You for choosing Mary to be His mother,
for teaching her to believe Your message,
for helping her to accept Your holy will.

Strengthen us by Your Spirit to be like Mary:
to ponder Your word in our hearts,
to obey Your will,
to love Your Son,
to sing Your praises every day.

Father, we praise You through Jesus Christ Your Son
in the love of Your Spirit, forever and ever.


January 26, 2019

O Mary, grant that this church of Christ,
in defining itself,
will acknowledge you as its most chosen mother,
daughter, and sister,
as well as its incomparable model,
its glory, its joy, and its hope.
We ask you now
that we may be made worthy of honoring you
because of who you are
and because of what you do
in the wondrous and loving plan of salvation.
Grant that we may praise you,
O holy Virgin!

January 25, 2019

O glorious St. Paul,
once a persecutor of Christianity,
you become a most ardent apostle of zeal;
who to made known the Savior Jesus Christ
to the ends of the world, suffered imprisonment with joy,
scourging, stonings, shipwrecks
and persecutions of every kind,
and in the end shed your blood to the last drop,
obtain for us the grace to receive,
as favors of the Divine Mercy,
infirmities, tribulations,
and misfortunes of the present life,
so that the vicissitudes of our exile
will not render us cold in the service of God,
but will render us always more faithful and fervent.


January 24, 2019

Lord, I am Yours,
and I must belong to no one but You.
My soul is Yours,
and must live only by You.
My will is Yours,
and must love only for You.
I must love You as my first cause,
since I am from You.
I must love You as my end and rest,
since I am for You.
I must love You more than my own being,
since my being subsists by You.
I must love You more than myself,
since I am all Yours and all in You.


January 23, 2019

Saint Vincent Pallotti,
you were molded by God, the infinite love.
You answered God's call to serve Him.
You were there for those seeking counsel,
for the sick, for the youth and the aging,
for the rich and the poor,
for people of any profession and walk of life.

Now I call upon you to intercede for me.
I ask you to submit my petitions to God.
Be my helper
as I place this prayer before God the Father,
through Jesus Christ.
Do not leave me without your help.
Show me the way to Christ.
Through the Spirit,
lead me to the Father.

January 22, 2019

O Mary, we pray to you
for our Christian brothers and sisters
who are still separated
from our Catholic family.
See how a glorious group of them
celebrate with fidelity and love.
See also how among another group,
who are so intent on calling themselves Christians,
there now dawns the remembrance
and the veneration of you,
O most holy Lady.
Call these children of yours to the one unity
under your motherly and heavenly aid.

January 21, 2019

O Little St. Agnes,
so young and yet made so strong
and wise by the power of God,
protect by your prayers
all the young people of every place
whose goodness and purity are threatened
by the evils and impurities of this world.

Give them strength in temptation
and a true repentance when they fail.
Help them to find true Christian friends
to accompany them in following the Lamb of God
and finding safe pastures in His Church
and in her holy sacraments.

May you lead us to the wedding banquet of heaven
to rejoice with you
and all the holy virgin martyrs in Christ
who lives and reigns forever and ever.


January 20, 2019

Blessed Mary,
look upon the church,
look upon the most responsible members
of the Mystical Body of Christ
gathered about you to thank you
and to celebrate you as their Mother.

Holy Mary, bless the great assembly of the hierarchical church,
which also gives birth to brothers and sisters of Christ,
the firstborn among redeemed humankind.

January 19, 2019

Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be Mary, the Most Holy Mother of God.
Blessed be her holy and immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

January 18, 2019

O God of my soul,
I am sincerely sorry
for not having loved You.
Instead of having loved You,
I have, for the sake of my pleasures,
offended and despised Your infinite goodness:
I have turned my back upon You;
in a word, O my God,
I have voluntarily lost You.
Lord, I am sorry,
from the bottom of my heart,
for all my sins.
I hate above all things the offences,
which I have committed against You.
I hope You have already cleansed me
from the stain of sin
in the sacrament of penance,
but I desire to become still purer in Your sight.
Vouchsafe then to wash in Your Blood this soul,
which You wish soon to make Your dwelling place.

January 17, 2019

O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints,
your love for God and Charity for His creatures
made you worthy, when on earth,
to possess miraculous powers.
Miracles waited on your word,
which you were ever ready to speak
for those in trouble or anxiety.

O gentle and loving St. Anthony,
whose heart was ever full of human sympathy,
whisper my petition into the ears
of the Sweet Infant Jesus,
and the gratitude of my heart
will ever be yours.


January 16, 2019

Heavenly Father, fill my heart with
a tender affection for Your Goodness,
a hatred for my faults,
and a love for my neighbor,

Let me always remember to be
submissive to Your word,
faithful to my friends,
and charitable to my enemies.

January 15, 2019

O Mary,
look upon all mankind,
this modern world in which 
the Divine Will calls us to live and work.
It is a world that has turned its back 
on the light of Christ;
then it fears and bemoans the frightening shadows
that its actions have created on all sides.
May your most human voice,
O most beautiful of virgins,
O most worthy of mothers,
O blessed among women,
invited the world to turn its eyes
toward the life that is the light of man,
toward you who are the precursor-lamp of Christ,
Who is the sole and the highest Light of the world.
Implore for the world
to converse, by prayer, with its Maker,
whose mysterious and blesses image
it reflects within itself.

January 14, 2019

Be our King, O Lord,
not only of the faithful who have never forsaken You,
but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned You,
grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house and sit at Your table
Call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith,
so that soon there may be but one flock and one shepherd.


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984