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Daily Prayer Archive

November 29, 2018

O Blessed Mother Mary, before your
marriage to the carpenter St. Joseph,
you were overshadowed by the Holy Spirit
and conceived a child.

As you carried Jesus, your Divine Child, in your womb,
you overcame fear and rejoiced, anticipating His birth.

In your tender way, tough the hearts of all women
for whom being pregnant is more a problem than a joy.

Give them the help and courage they need
to bring a child into this world.

Mary, you believed that with God all things are possible.
Dispel any fear of giving the gift of life.
Replace it with trust in God.


- A Columban Missionary

November 28, 2018

My Lord Jesus Christ,
I believe that You are really here in this Sacrament.
Night and day You remain here compassionate and loving.
You call, You wait for,
You welcome everyone who comes to visit You.
I thank You, Jesus my Divine Redeemer
for coming upon the earth for our sake
and for instituting the Adorable Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
in order to remain with us until the end of the world.
I thank You for hiding beneath the Eucharist
Your infinite majesty and beauty,
which Your Angels delight to behold,
so that I might have courage to approach the throne of Your mercy.

November 27, 2018

O Lord, we bring before You
the distress and dangers of peoples and nations,
the pleas of the imprisoned and the captive,
the sorrows of the grief-stricken,
the needs of the refugee,
the impotence of the weak,
the weariness of the despondent,
and the diminishments of the aging.
O Lord, stay close to all of them.


November 26, 2018

Loving mother of the Redeemer,
gate of heaven, star of the sea,
assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again.
To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator,
yet remained pure as before.
You who received Gabriel's joyful greeting,
have pity on us poor sinners.

November 25, 2018

I am loved by God;
I am made by God;
I am forgiven by God;
I am accepted by God unconditionally;
I am a child of God;
I am sustained by God;
I am important to God;
I am used by God;
I am enabled by God;
I am destined for God.


November 24, 2018

I thank You dear Jesus,
for having become the priceless Victim,
to merit for me the fullness of heavenly favors.
Awaken in me such confidence in You
that their fullness may descend
ever more fruitfully upon my soul.
I thank You for offering Yourself
in thanksgiving to God for all His benefits,
spiritual and temporal
which He has bestowed on me.
Grant me grace and perseverance
in your faithful service.

November 23, 2018

From the depths of my heart
I thank You, Dear Lord,
For Your infinite kindness in coming to me.
How good You are to me!
with Your most holy Mother and all the angels,
I praise Your mercy and generosity toward me,
a poor sinner.
I thank You for nourishing my soul
with Your Sacred Body and Precious Blood.
I will try to show my gratitude to You
in the Sacrament of Your love,
by obedience to Your holy commandments,
by fidelity to my duties,
by kindness to my neighbor
and by an earnest endeavor
To become more like You in my daily conduct.

November 22, 2018

Lord, we thank you
for the goodness of our people
and for the spirit of justice
that fills this nation.
We thank you for the beauty and fullness of the
land and the challenge of the cities.

We thank you for our work and our rest,
for one another, and for our homes.
We thank you, Lord:
accept our thanksgiving on this day.
We pray and give thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.


November 21, 2018

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy.
hail our life, our sweetness and our hope!
To you we cry, poor banished children of Eve!
To you we send up our sighs;
mourning and weeping in this vale of tears!
Turn, most gracious Advocate,
your eyes of mercy toward us;
and after this, our exile,
show us the blessed fruit of Your womb, Jesus!
O Clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!

November 20, 2018

God of mercy and kindness,
open our hearts and minds
to the blessings that you shower upon us.
Fill us with gratitude for all that you have done,
and continue to do, in an through us.

November 19, 2018

My dear Redeemer,
it is not from custom or human respect
that I come to receive You;
but it is solely to love and be united with You,
to be delivered from my miseries,
to clothe myself with Your virtues,
to strengthen myself against my enemies;
it is to ask from You the exaltation of the Church,
Your beloved spouse,
the conversion of sinners,
perseverance for the just,
and deliverance for the poor souls in Purgatory.
Purify more and more my intentions,
rectify them, O my Jesus,
render them conformable to You;
this is my sole desire.

November 18, 2018

O dear Jesus,
I humbly implore You to grant Your special graces to our family.
May our home be the shrine of peace, purity, love, labor and faith.
I beg You, dear Jesus, to protect and bless all of us,
absent and present, living and dead.

O Mary, loving Mother of Jesus,
and our Mother,
pray to Jesus for the safety of our family,
and all the families of the world,
guard the cradle of the newborn,
the schools of the young and their bright futures.
Shelter us from evil as we sing your praise.

November 17, 2018

My Lord God,
even now I accept at Your hands,
cheerfully and willingly,
with all its anxieties,
pains and sufferings,
whatever kind of death
it shall please You to be mine.


November 16, 2018

Jesus, Son of God and our Savior,
have mercy on all who wound your Sacred Heart by sin,
unfaithfulness and neglect.
O loving Heart of Jesus,
broken by our ingratitude,
pierced by our sins, yet loving us still,
accept in reparation the suffering
I now make to you of all that I am and all that I have.
Draw me ever nearer to your Sacred Heart:
there where I can learn best,
teach me, Jesus, your blessed way to eternal life.


November 15, 2018

Thank You, Lord, for bringing us together.
May we learn to appreciate one another more and more.
May we cherish the gift of each other.
May we share our feelings openly and honestly.
May we listen not only with our ears and minds
but also with our hearts.
May we grow in compassion for one another.
May we admit our failings and limitations.
May we remember that the day-to-day choices
we make and the work we do are signs of love.
May our friendship with each other
grow over the years of living together.
May that special friendship in turn grow outward,
embrace others, and open us to their needs.


- Columban Fr. John Comiskey


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984