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Daily Prayer Archive

October 15, 2018

O my God,
I am heartily sorry for having offended You.
I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven
and the pains of hell.

But most of all because they offend You, my God,
Who are all good and deserving of all my love.

I firmly resolve,
with the help of Your grace to sin no more
and to avoid the near occasions of sin.


October 14, 2018

O Sacred Heart,
You are the only object of my love,
the guardian of my life,
my assurance of salvation,
the remedy of my weakness and inconstancy,
the atonement for all the faults of my life
and my refuge at the hour of death.

O Heart of goodness,
You are my justification before God the Father.
Turn away from me the strokes of his righteous anger.
O Heart of love,
I put all my confidence in You,
for I fear everything from my own wickedness and frailty,
but I hope for all things from Your goodness and bounty.

October 13, 2018

O Blessed Saint Joseph,
to thee do we cry in our tribulations,
as we confidently invoke your patronage,
after that of your most holy spouse,
the Blessed Virgin Mary.

By that sacred bond of devotion
which linked you to the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God,
and for the fatherly love you lavished on the child Jesus,
we beg you to cast a glance on those heavenly gifts
which Christ has obtained for all mankind.
Through His Precious Blood
and through your power and mercy,
help us in our needs.

October 12, 2018

O Jesus, Good Shepherd,
You heal the sick and needy.
I give you all those parts of my body
which have suffered from illness.
You know what it is like to endure pain.
Look kindly on me today and heal me.
Restore me to strength of soul and body.
O Jesus, grant us all Your healing grace
of love and peace.

October 11, 2018

Even when I show You the thorny side of my character,
or when I’m sharp, unloving to those I love
unapproachable, or in a bad mood,
You still show Your goodness to me
and let Your love shine down to bring me joy.

Thank You, Lord.
Even one small drop of Your love
on my thorniness is enough to soften me
with the radiance of Your presence.


- A Columban Missionary

October 10, 2018

O Lord, remove from me all that can displease You
or resist Your holy will;
let your pure love imprint Your image
so deeply upon my heart,
that I shall never be able to forget You
or to be separated from You.

May I obtain from all Your loving kindness
the grace of having my name written in Your Heart,
for in You I desire to place all my happiness and glory,
living and dying in bondage to You.


October 9, 2018

Most Holy Virgin Mary,
tender Mother of all,
to fulfill the desires of the Sacred Heart
and the request of the Vicar of your Son on earth,
we consecrate ourselves
and our families
to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart,
O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
and we recommend to you,
all the people of our country
and all the world.

Please accept our consecration,
dearest Mother,
and use us as you wish
to accomplish your designs upon the world.

October 8, 2018

O Lord, we humbly pray
that You will empower us to use our vision and our ability
to explore new frontiers in ways that are pleasing
to You and are empowering to all people.

On Columbus Day, we pray that we will
use our talents and strengths for Your glory.
Make us willing to challenge false notions
about our world just as Columbus challenged
the false notions of his day that the world was flat.

Give us the courage to venture forth into the unknown.
Help us believe that You will guide us,
provide for us, protect us and be with us
on our journeys of life.

October 7, 2018

We come with confidence to you,
O Throne of Grace and Mother of Fair Love.
Inflame us with the same Divine Fire
which has inflamed your own Sorrowful
and Immaculate Heart.
Make our hearts and homes your shrine,
and through us,
make the Heart of Jesus,
together with your rule,
triumphant in every heart and home.

October 6, 2018

I venerate you with all my heart,
O Virgin most holy,
above all Angels and Saints in paradise,
as the beloved Spouse of the Spirit of God,
and to you I consecrate my heart and all its affections,
imploring you to obtain for me from the Most Holy Trinity
all the means of salvation.

October 5, 2018

Gracious and Holy Father,
Please give me:
intellect to understand you,
reason to discern you,
diligence to seek you,
wisdom to find you,
a spirit to know you,
a heart to meditate upon you,
ears to hear you,
eyes to see you,
a tongue to proclaim you,
a way of life pleasing to you,
patience to wait for you
and perseverance to look for you.
Grant me a perfect end,
your holy presence,
a blessed resurrection
and life everlasting.

October 4, 2018

O God, You made us in Your own image
and redeemed us through Jesus Your Son.

Look with compassion on the whole human family;
take away the arrogance and hatred
which infect our hearts;
break down the walls that separate us;
unite us in bonds of love;
and work through our struggle and confusion
to accomplish your purposes on earth.
That, in Your good time, all nations
and races may serve You in harmony
around your Heavenly throne.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


- A Columban Missionary

October 3, 2018

Father, I abandon myself into Your hands;
Do with me whatever You will.
Whatever You may do, I thank You.
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only Your will be done in me,
And in all Your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into Your hands I commend my spirit;
I offer it to You, Lord,
and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into Your hands,
Without reserve and with boundless confidence,
For You are my Father.


October 2, 2018

My good Angel,
you come from heaven;
God has sent you to take care of me.
Oh, shelter me under your wings.
Lighten my path, direct my steps.
Do not leave me and defend me against the spirit of evil.
But above all come to my help
in the last struggle of my life.
Deliver my soul so that with you it may praise,
love and contemplate the goodness of God
forever and ever.


October 1, 2018

Lord, I desire that in all things Your will may be done,
because it is Your will,
in the manner You want,
and as long as You want.

I beg of You to enlighten my understanding,
to inflame my will,
to purify my body,
and to sanctify my soul.

Grant that I be not puffed up with pride,
moved by flattery,
deceived by the world,
or duped by the devil.


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984