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Daily Prayer Archive

September 20, 2017

Rend your hearts, 
not your garments, 
and return to the Lord, your God. 
For gracious and merciful, is He, 
slow to anger, 
rich in kindness,
and relenting in punishment.

September 19, 2017

Remember, O Beloved Jesus,
Who for the love of me agonized on the Cross,
and from that throne of truth announced the
completion of the work of our Redemption, through which, 
from being the children of wrath and perdition,
we are become the children of God and the heirs of Heaven:

Have mercy on all the faithful in their agony,
and on me also when I shall be in that extremity,
and, through the merits of Your Precious Blood,
detach us entirely from the world and from ourselves,
and at the moment of our agony give us grace
sincerely to offer You the sacrifice of our life
in expiation for our sins.


September 18, 2017

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known
that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help,
and sought your intercession,
was left unaided.

Inspired with this confidence,
I fly to you,
O Virgin of virgins, my Mother,
to you I come,
before you I stand sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word Incarnate!
Despise not my petitions,
but, in your mercy, hear and answer me. 


September 17, 2017

Lord Jesus,
give us the humility wherever pride reigns,
pardon wherever offense abides,
grace wherever sin abounds;
we pray to You;
Jesus Christ, risen Lord, have mercy on us!

September 16, 2017

Remember, most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, 
Saint Joseph, our beloved patron, 
never was it known that anyone invoked your protection 
and sought your aid without being comforted. 
Inspired with this confidence, 
I come to you and commend myself to you. 
Do not despise my petition, 
dear foster father of our Redeemer, 
but accept them graciously 
and pray for me to adopted Son, Our Lord. 

September 15, 2017

Lord, there has been too much change in my life recently, 
and I feel overwhelmed. 
Because I try to be a responsible person, 
I sometimes forget that it is unwise for me 
to allow my sense of duty to override my common sense. 

Lord, help me to allow myself more time to rest, 
relax, and pray. 
Guide me toward something spiritual to read every day 
and a quiet time afterwards 
to reflect on what I have read 
and how it pertains to my life. 
I truly want to simplify my life 
and live more as Christ did. 
Help me remember that there is no loss 
or problem that I must face alone. 
You are always near, 
with Your love and compassion to comfort me. 


September 14, 2017

Gracious God,
Ruler of the earth and its people
not by terror but in love;
we worship you.

We confess that too often
our words hurt others
and our deeds are selfish;
forgive us.

In this time of uncertainty and fear,
help us to love our enemies
and do good to those who hate us,
in the name of Jesus our Lord.


September 13, 2017

Rejoice Virgin Mary, full of grace.
O Mother of God, the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the Fruit of your womb.
For you have given birth to
the Savior of our souls.

September 12, 2017

O Lord, stay with me and then I shall begin to shine as You shine, 
so to shine as to be a light to others; 
the light, O Jesus, will be all from You; 
none of it will be mine: 
it will be You shining on others through me. 
Let me thus praise You in the way You love best: 
by shining on those around me. 
Let me preach You without preaching, not by words, but by my example, 
by the catching force, 
the sympathetic influence of what I do, 
the evident fullness of the love my heart bears to You. 

September 11, 2017

O my God! 
Source of all mercy! 
I acknowledge Your sovereign power. 
While recalling the wasted years that are past, 
I believe that You, Lord, 
can in an instant turn this loss to gain. 
Miserable as I am, 
yet I firmly believe that You can do all things. 
Please restore to me the time lost, 
giving me Your grace, 
both now and the future,
that I may appear before You in "wedding garments."


September 10, 2017

Heavenly Father, I ask You in the name,
and through the Blood of Your Divine Son,
to rebuke Satan for taking captive 
that which belongs to You.

I ask Jesus to place His Crown of thorns around 
my family so that those with wrong influences 
will lose interest and depart.

Mary Mother of Jesus, 
place your mantle of love around, 
my children.

St. Michael protect them.


September 9, 2017

Dear Jesus, help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere I go. 
Flood my soul with Your spirit and life. 
Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly 
that all my life may only be a radiance of Yours. 
Shine through me and be so in me 
that every soul I come in contact with may feel Your presence in my soul. 
Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus!

September 8, 2017

Help me with your peace to help others.
Help me to see the good in everything around me.
Help me to find and keep the peace 
that can be obtained from your love.
With Jesus, I know I will gain strength.
His life had trials and turmoil.
Help me to learn from his sufferings.
Thank you for sending Jesus 
to show us that unconditional love is possible.
With Jesus as our guide, 
our greatest goals can be achieved.


September 7, 2017

Before the world was begun, O Lord
You had me in your mind
You gave me a place in your world, O Lord
To be gracious, forgiving and kind.

I tried and I failed and despaired, O Lord
But you raised me again and again
So I trust in your grace and your love, O Lord
To shepherd me through to the end.

You gave me a hearth and a home, O Lord
With parents to show me the way
A brother and sisters to keep me right
Whenever I tended to stray.

Your call to the priesthood was grace, O Lord
To peoples across the sea
With friendship and love to inspire me Lord
To be true to them and to You.

Every step that I take, O Lord
Every step is for you
Every breath that I breathe, O Lord
Every breath is for you.

Every beat of my heart, O Lord
Every beat is for you
So when I come to expire, O Lord
My life has been spent for you.

By Columban Fr. Michael Healy

September 6, 2017

O gentle Heart of Jesus,
ever present in the Blessed Sacrament,
ever consumed with burning love
for the poor captive souls in Purgatory,
have mercy on them.

Be not severe in Your judgments,
but let some drops of Your Precious Blood
fall upon the devouring flames.

And, Merciful Savior,
send Your angels to conduct them
to a place of refreshment,
light and peace.



About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984