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Daily Prayer Archive

July 21, 2017

Those in Agony

Infinitely merciful Father, 
I offer You by the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary 
with St. Joseph, 
the nine choirs of Angels 
and all the Saints, 
the adorations, praises, love and infinite holiness of Your beloved Son, 
Our Lord Jesus Christ, 
His heart wounded and burning with love, 
all His blood shed for us, 
all His sacred wounds 
and in them my life and sufferings of all people, 
for my salvation and for the salvation of the whole world, 
the deliverance of all souls from Purgatory 
and the praise of Your merciful Father, 
I offer You the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ 
for those in agony today.


July 20, 2017

Good Resolutions

O my God, I give You heartfelt thanks 
for all the graces You have conferred on me.
Pardon me, I beseech You, 
of all the negligence and the distractions 
of which I have been guilty. 
Give me strength to carry out the resolutions that I have made. 

Help me to keep my good resolutions, O sweet Virgin Mary; 
and recall them to my memory, 
if I should ever forget or neglect them.

July 19, 2017

Grant Us Your Grace

O most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
King and center of all hearts, 
dwell in our hearts and be our King; 
grant us by Your grace to love each other truly and chastely, 
even as You have loved Your spotless Bride, the Church, 
and have given Yourself up for her. 

Bestow upon us that mutual love 
and Christian forbearance 
which are so highly acceptable in Your sight, 
and a mutual patience in bearing each other's defects; 
for we are certain that no living creature is free from them.

July 18, 2017

Nurse's Prayer

O most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
King and center of all hearts, 
dwell in our hearts and be our King; 
grant us by Your grace to love each other truly and chastely, 
even as You have loved Your spotless Bride, the Church, 
and have given Yourself up for her. 

Bestow upon us that mutual love 
and Christian forbearance 
which are so highly acceptable in Your sight, 
and a mutual patience in bearing each other's defects; 
for we are certain that no living creature is free from them.

July 17, 2017

How Sweet and Lovely You Are

O Mary, I wish I could see how 
you behaved toward your father and mother, 
especially toward St. Anne; 
and then how you behaved toward the priests of the temple; 
and then toward St. Joseph; 
and toward St. Elizabeth, 
and St. John the Baptist; 
and afterwards toward the Apostles. 
I should see how sweet 
and lovely you were to every one of them; 
but still your heart was with Jesus only. 
And they would all feel and understand this, 
however kind you were to them.


July 16, 2017

Guide My Path

Holy Mary, my patron,
I ask you to pray for me to Jesus your son.
Through your constant prayers,
may God continue to guide my path
and help me to follow Jesus in love.

Holy Mary, pray for me
and for all the people of God.


July 15, 2017

Merits of Your Sacrifice

O Lord Jesus, 
in order that the merits of your sacrifice on the Cross 
might be applied to every soul of all time, 
you willed that it should be renewed upon the altar. 
At the Last Supper, you said: 
"Do this in remembrance of me." 
By these words you gave your apostles and their successors 
the power to consecrate 
and the command to do what you yourself did. 
I believe that the Mass is both a sacrifice and a memorial,
reenacting your passion, 
death and resurrection. 
Help me to realize that the Mass is the greatest gift of God to us 
and our greatest gift to God. 


July 14, 2017

Pure Heart

O Guardian and father, Saint Joseph, 
to whose faithful custody
Christ Jesus and Mary was committed; 
I pray and beseech you by each of these dear pledges, 
Jesus and Mary, that, 
being preserved from all uncleanness, 
I may with spotless mind, pure heart, 
and a chaste body, 
ever serve Jesus and Mary all the days of my life.


July 13, 2017

O Lord, Let me unite with You, 
that I may more deeply love You. 
May I help make reparation to Your adorable Heart 
and the heart of Your Mother, Mary. 
With greatest love, 
I offer myself to You 
and pray that You will accept my sacrifice of greatest love. 
I give myself to You and unite in Your gift of Yourself to me. 
Come and possess my soul. 

July 12, 2017

Let me be a holy sacrifice 
and unite with God in the sacrament of His greatest love. 
I want to be one in Him in this act of love, 
where He gives Himself to me and I give myself as a sacrifice to Him. 
Let me be a holy sacrifice as I become one with Him 
in this my act of greatest love to Him.

July 11, 2017

Majestic Queen of Heaven and Mistress of the Angels, 
you received from God the power 
and commission to crush the head of Satan. 
We humbly beseech You, 
send forth the legions of heaven, 
that, under Your command, 
they may seek out all evil spirits, 
engage them everywhere in battle, 
curb their insolence, 
and hurl them back into the pit of hell. 

O good and tender Mother, 
You shall be our hope 
and the object of our love. 

O Mother of God, 
send forth the holy Angels to defend me 
and drive far from me the cruel foe.

July 10, 2017

Be so kind as to heed our fervent prayer, 
almighty God, that we, 
Your sons and daughters, 
despite our many weaknesses and failures, 
may be found worthy instruments of Your peace and messengers of Your love, 
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


July 9, 2017

Inspire us, O God, with a love of all men, 
and especially for those who suffer and are persecuted; 
teach us to go in Your name, 
to bring love where there is hate, 
light of Christian principles where there is darkness of error; 
help us for Your honor and Glory to renew the face of the earth. 
Enable us never to flinch where truth and justice are assailed. 
May we serve You as other Christs by prayer and good works 
by bringing into every phase of private and public life 
the only truth that can make me free, 
the only love that embraces all mankind,
the only peace that will last through the eternal ages.

July 8, 2017

Today, may I love my enemies, 
and treat others as I would ask to be treated; 
may I forgive 70 times seven and show mercy.
May I welcome the prodigal, 
have compassion for the Samaritan; 
be a peace-maker 
and love my neighbor unconditionally. 

Take all my heart, 
and mind and strength, O Lord, 
that this day may be truly lived 
for Your greater honor and glory 
and for the salvation of souls.


July 7, 2017

O Lord, by this most holy mystery of Your Body and Blood, 
whereby we are daily fed, and cleansed, 
and sanctified in Your Church, 
grant me Your holy virtues, 
that I may draw nearer to Your holy Altar.
May these heavenly mysteries become my salvation and life; 
for You have said with Your holy and blessed lips: 
The Bread which I will give is My Flesh, 
for the life of the world. 
O most sweet Bread, 
heal the palate of my heart, 
that I may taste the sweetness of Your love. 
Heal it of all infirmities, 
let my heart feed on You
and may my soul be filled with the sweetness of Your savior. 


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984