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Daily Prayer Archive

June 21, 2017

O my Jesus, forgive my ungratefulness  
if I loved You too little, after so many graces. 
You gave all Yourself to me; 
I give all myself to You. 
You love those that love You. I love You; 
do You also love me. 
If I love You only a little, 
give me the love You require of me. 
What have You not done to oblige me to love You? 
Make me conquer all things to please You.

Accept the love of a soul which has offended You so deeply. 
Show me the immense good You are, 
that I may love You exceedingly. 
I desire to love You exceedingly in this life, 
that I may love You exceedingly in the next. 

June 20, 2017

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer you all my prayers, works,
and suffering of this day:
for all the intentions of your Sacred heart,
in union with the holy sacrifice of the Mass
throughout the world,
in reparation for all my sins,
for the intentions of all our associates,
and in particular,
for the intention of our Holy Father,


June 19, 2017

As Morning breaks I think of you, O Lord, 
and my desire is to serve You joyfully. 
With gladness, I consecrate this day to Your Sacred Heart, 
and offer whatever joys and sacrifices may come my way. 
Thank You for the graces You will send, 
all the love, all the beauty, 
and the ways You will answer my prayers. 

June 18, 2017

Heavenly Father,
you entrusted your Son Jesus,
the child of Mary,
to the care of Joseph, an earthly father.
Bless all fathers
as they care for their families.
Give them strength and wisdom,
tenderness and patience;
support them in the work they have to do,
protecting those who look to them,
as we look to you for love and salvation,
through Jesus Christ our rock and defender.


June 17, 2017

O my Jesus! I am entirely spent for You, 
as You spent Yourself entirely for me! 
If I had died while I was in sin, 
I could no more have loved You; 
now that I can love You, 
I will love You as much as I can. 
To You I consecrate all the remainder of my life. 
I wish only, and I wish in all things, 
that which You desire. 
When I see You for the first time, my Jesus, 
may it be with a look of mercy. 
May I die rather than ever offend You again. 
You will not leave me, I will not leave You; 
so shall our love endure in this world and in the next. 

June 16, 2017

My Jesus, You alone are sufficient for me. 
My love, do not permit me to separate myself from You. 
When shall I be able to say, 
"My God, I cannot lose You any more?"

Lord, who am I, 
that You should desire so much to be loved by me? 
And who shall I love, if I don’t love You, my Jesus? 
Here I am, Lord; dispose of me as You please. 
Give me Your love; I ask nothing more. 
Make me all Yours before I die. 

Eternal Father, for the love of Jesus Christ have pity on me. 
My God, I wish for You alone, and nothing more. 

June 15, 2017

My holy Angel Guardian, 
ask the Lord to bless any journey which I undertake, 
that it may profit the health of my soul and body; 
that I may reach its end, 
and that, returning safe and sound, 
I may find my family in good health. 
Guard, guide and preserve us.


June 14, 2017

Lord, many times I stray from your light
and feel that I am not worthy to be called your child,
but I know Lord, 
that you are a forgiving Father
and that you accept me as I am.
I know that you love me 
like no other can love me,
that your love for me is so great and unconditional 
that it hurts me to hurt you.
Help me my Lord, 
to become more like you.
Help me to see you in others 
and help others see you in me.


June 13, 2017

You gave each one of us 
a mission to fulfil in our lives.
Help us to find it, 
to use it and share it with others.
Help us to understand the true meaning of life,
to know you, and to live with you.

June 12, 2017

My Queen! My Mother! 
I give you all myself,
and, to show my devotion to you,
I consecrate to you my eyes,
my ears, my mouth, my heart,
my entire self.
Wherefore, O loving Mother,
as I am your own, 
keep me, defend me,
as you property and possession.

June 11, 2017

O Jesus, I wish to receive You 
with the love of the most holy and loving souls,
with which Immaculate Mary received You.
With their Communion I unite this Communion of mine.
Most holy Virgin, my Mother, Mary, 
behold I am going to receive your Son.
I would wish to have your heart,
and the love with which you communicated:
give me this morning your Jesus, 
as you gave Him 
to the shepherds and to the Magi.
I wish to receive Him from your most pure hands; 
tell Him that I am your servant, 
and that I am devoted to you; 
and when He comes to me, 
He will look on me with a more loving eye, 
and will unite Himself more closely to me.

June 10, 2017

My soul, the happy hour is arrived;
Jesus comes to dwell in my poor heart.
Behold the King of heaven,
my Redeemer and my God,
coming to me;
I prepare myself to receive Him with love;
say to Him with the most ardent desire:
Come, O my Jesus,
come to me:
I desire to receive You,
before You gave Yourself to me,
I desire to give You my miserable heart;
accept it,
come and take full possession of it.
Come, my God, make haste;
do not delay.

June 9, 2017

My loving Jesus, 
out of the grateful love I bear You, 
and to make reparation for my unfaithfulness to grace,
I give You my heart, 
and I consecrate myself wholly to You; 
and with Your help 
I purpose never to sin again. 


June 8, 2017

My soul,
open my heart;
so Jesus can give me every good gift;
He loves me ardently.
Hope, then, 
for great favors from my Lord,
Who, through an impulse of love, 
comes to me all love. 
Yes, my Jesus, my hope, 
I trust in Your goodness, 
that in giving Yourself to me this morning, 
You will kindle in my poor soul 
the flames of Your love, 
and of an ardent desire to please You, 
that, from this day forward, 
I may wish only what You wish.

June 7, 2017

My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid;
for behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;
Because He who is mighty has done great things for me,
and Holy is His Name;
And His mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear Him.
He has shown might with His arm,
He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
and has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has given help to Israel, His servant, mindful of His mercy -
Even as He spoke to our father -
to Abraham and to his posterity forever.


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984