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Daily Prayer Archive

June 6, 2017

O most holy Heart of Jesus, 
fountain of every blessing, 
I adore You, I love You, 
and with a lively sorrow for my sins, 
I offer You this poor heart of mine. 
Make me humble, patient, pure, 
and wholly obedient to Your will.

Grant, good Jesus, 
that I may live in You and for You. 
Protect me in the midst of danger, 
comfort me in all my afflictions, 
give me health of body, 
assistance in my temporal needs, 
Your blessing on all that I do, 
and the grace of a holy death. 


June 5, 2017

In the abundance of your mercies, 
O Lord, remember all your people; 
all those present who pray with us; 
all our brethren on land, 
at sea, or in the air, 
in every place of Your domain, 
who call upon your love for mankind. 
Upon all, pour down your great mercy, 
that we, saved in body and in soul, 
may persevere unfailingly; 
and that, in our confidence, 
we may extol your exalted and blessed Name, 
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, 
always, now and forever. 


June 4, 2017

O Master and holy God, 
who are beyond our understanding: 
at your word, light came forth out of darkness. 
In your mercy, you gave us rest through night-long sleep, 
and raised us up to glorify your goodness 
and to offer our supplication to You. 
Now, in your own tender love, 
accept us who adore You 
and give thanks to You 
with all our heart. 
Grant us all our requests, 
if they lead to salvation; 
give us the grace of manifesting 
that we are children of light and day, 
and heirs to your eternal reward. 

June 3, 2017

Lord our God,
loving Father,
we humbly pray to you
for our beloved missionaries,
heralds of the Gospel.

May our prayers
reach their hearts
that they may feel our love,
our strength,
our faith.

May our prayers
reach their hearts
that they continue
with your zeal
the mission
you entrust them with.

May their presence
in their community
be a reminder
of your presence among us.


June 2, 2017

God of my life, 
I welcome this new day. 
It is Your gift to me, 
the first day of the rest of my life. 
I thank You for the gift of being alive this morning. 
I thank You for the sleep which has refreshed me. 
I thank You for the chance to begin life all over again.

Lord, this day is full of promise and of opportunity. 
Help me to waste none of it. 
This day is full of mystery and of the unknown. 
Help me to face it without fear or anxiety. 
This day is full of beauty and adventure. 
Help me to be fully alive to it all.

June 1, 2017

Merciful Lord, who prayed that there be one flock and one shepherd, 
I ask the light of faith 
for those who do not know You in Your Eucharistic Presence. 
Give them the joy of Your protecting presence. 
Bring them into the one fold 
of which You are the master and Lord. 
Forgive them their sins and teach them the way of repentance. 
In the end bring them into the larger circle of Your family, 
to God our Father, 
to Mary our Mother, 
and to You our beloved Brother.


May 31, 2017

Lord God Almighty, 
who has safely brought us to the beginning of this day, 
defend us in the same by Your mighty power, 
that this day we may fall into no sin, 
but that all our words may so proceed, 
and all our thoughts and actions 
may be so directed as to do always 
that which is just in Your sight. 
Through Christ our Lord.


May 30, 2017

Most Holy Virgin and Mother,
your soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow
in the passion of your divine Son,
and in His glorious resurrection,
you were filled with unending joy in His triumph!
Obtain for us who call upon you,
to be such partakers in the adversities of holy Church
and in the sorrows of the Sovereign Pontiff
as to be found worthy to rejoice
with them in the consolations for which we pray,
in the charity and peace of the same Christ our Lord.


May 29, 2017

God of power and mercy,
you destroy war and put down earthly pride.
Banish violence from our midst and wipe away our tears,
that we may all deserve to be called your sons and daughters.
Keep in your mercy those men and women
who have died in the cause of freedom
and bring them safely into your kingdom of justice and peace.
We ask this though Jesus Christ our Lord.


May 28, 2017

Most holy Heart of Jesus, 
fountain of every blessing, 
I love You. 
With a lively sorrow for my sins 
I offer You this poor heart of mine. 
Make me humble, patient, and pure, 
and perfectly obedient to Your Will.
Good Jesus, 
grant that I may live in You and for You. 
Protect me in the midst of danger 
and comfort me in my afflictions. 
Bestow on me health of body, 
assistance in temporal needs, 
Your blessing on all that I do, 
and the grace of a holy death. 


May 27, 2017

O my God!
I offer You all my actions of this day 
for the intentions and for the glory 
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 
I desire to sanctify every beat of my heart, 
my every thought, 
my simplest works, 
by uniting them to His infinite merits; 
and I wish to make reparation for my sins 
by casting them into the furnace of His merciful love. 
O my God, 
I ask of You for myself and for those dear to me 
the grace to fulfill perfectly Your holy will, 
to accept, for love of You, 
the joys and sorrows of this passing life, 
so that we may one day be united together 
in Heaven for all eternity. 


May 26, 2017

I love you, most lovable Lady, 
By the love which I bear you, 
I promise never to offend you, 
and to do as much as I can, 
that you be loved by others also. 
I put all my hopes in you, 
all my salvation. 
Receive me as your servant 
and cover me with the mantle of your protection, 
you are the Mother of mercy!


May 25, 2017

Have mercy on me, O God, in Your goodness.
In Your compassion, blot out my offense.
O wash me more and more from my sin
And from my sin, cleanse me.

For my offenses, truly I know them.
My sin is always before me.
Against You, You alone have I sinned,
What is evil in your sight, I have done.

That You may be justified in Your sentence
Vindicated when You condemn,
Indeed, in guilt was I born,
In sin, my mother conceived me.
Behold, You are pleased with sincerity of heart
and in my inmost being You teach me wisdom.

May 24, 2017

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
truly present in the Holy Eucharist, 
I consecrate my body and soul 
to be entirely one with Your Heart, 
being sacrificed at every instant, 
on the altars of the world, 
giving praise to the Father 
and pleading for the coming of His kingdom. 
Please receive this humble offering of myself. 
Use me as You will for the glory of the Father 
and the salvation of souls. 
Most Holy Mother of God, 
never let me be separated from your Divine Son. 
Please defend and protect me as Your special child.


May 23, 2017

Lord, our God,
help us to walk with you
on the pathway of the beatitudes
and to live out your mission
in today's world.

Bind us to all men and women
of our time so that together
we may bring the Good News
to the ends of the earth.

Open our hearts 
and our Christian communities
to the needy, 
the afflicted,
the oppressed.
May we radiate the Living Christ
and transform our lives
in the hope of the Resurrection.

This prayer we make to you
who are living God now and forever.



About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984