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Daily Prayer Archive

February 17, 2018

We adore you, O Christ,
and we bless you;
because by your Cross
you have redeemed the world.

Heart of Jesus,
I place all my trust in you.

Sweet Heart of Mary,
be my salvation!

Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
I give you my heart and my soul.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
assist me in my last agony.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
may I breathe out my soul with you in peace.

February 16, 2018

Dear Lord Jesus and Mary, Mother of God,
Hold all these brave souls in the palm of your hand,
comfort them and their families.

Send angels of protection, love, and comfort
to all the service men and women still at war,
bring them home safely and comfort their families.
We ask all our prayers in Jesus' name.


February 15, 2018

Let not your hearts be troubled.
You who believe in God, believe also in me.
In my Father's house there are many mansions.
Were it not so, I would have told you,
because I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I am coming again,
and I will take you to myself,
that where I am, there you also may be.
And where I go, you know, and the way you know.

February 14, 2018

God of the desert,
as we follow Jesus into the unknown,
may we recognize the tempter when he comes;
let it be Your bread we eat,
Your world we serve
and You alone we worship.

February 13, 2018

We fly to your patronage, O holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions in our necessities,
but deliver us always from all dangers,
O glorious and blessed Virgin.


February 12, 2018

Watch, O Lord, with those who wake,
or watch, or weep tonight,
and give Your Angels and Saints charge over those who sleep.
Tend Your sick ones, O Lord Christ.
Rest Your weary ones,
Bless Your dying ones,
Soothe Your suffering ones,
pity Your afflicted ones,
Shield Your joyous ones,
And all for Your love's sake.


February 11, 2018

Virgin, most holy,
Mother of the Word Incarnate,
Treasurer of graces,
and Refuge of sinners,
I fly top your motherly affection
with lively faith,
and I beg of you the grace
ever to do the will of God.

Into your most holy hands
I commit the keeping of my heart,
asking you for health of soul and body,
in the certain hope that you,
my most loving Mother,
will hear my prayer.

February 10, 2018

Good Shepherd, tend us,
Jesus, of Your love befriend us,
You refresh us, You defend us,
Your eternal goodness send us
In the land of life to see.

You Who all things are known,
Who on earth such food bestow,
Grant us with Your Saints, though low,
Where the heavenly feast You show,
Fellow-heirs and guests to be.


February 9, 2018

Virgin Mary, most loving Mother,
please give me a heart like yours,
firm in its attachments and of unshakable loyalty,
an affectionate heart which radiates a discreet tenderness and which is open,
a pure heart which lives in the flesh without being burdened by it,
a generous heart,
quick in forgetting its hurts and always ready to forgive,
a considerate heart which hides a great deal of love in the smallest details,
in the most humble service,
a magnanimous heart which rejoices in other's triumphs
and shares in their sorrows,
a heart which condemns no one,
and does not tire of being confided to,
a heart taken up by Christ,
totally given to His infinite love.


February 8, 2018

Look down, O Lord,
from Your sanctuary
and from the high habitation of heaven,
and behold this sacred Victim,
which our great High Priest,
Your Holy Child,
the Lord Jesus,
immolates unto You
for the sins of His brethren,
and be propitious
to the multitude of our iniquities.
Behold, the voice of the Blood of Jesus,
our Brother, cries to You from the Cross!
Graciously hear, O Lord:
be appeased, O Lord:
hearken and do not delay for Your own sake,
my God, because Your Name is invoked,
upon this city,
and upon Your people;
and do with us according to Your mercy.


February 7, 2018

God our Father,
you will all men and women
to be saved and come to the knowledge of your Truth.

Send workers into your great harvest
that the Gospel may be preached to every creature
and your people,
gathered together by the Word of life
and strengthened by the power of the Sacraments,
may advance in the way of salvation and love.

I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever.


February 6, 2018

Blessed Virgin who, under the title of Repose,
reminds us of the succoring pity
with which your maternal heart is open to your children,
hear our prayer!

Through your powerful intercession, O Mary,
may minds and hearts find repose in abandoning themselves
to the Will of the Heavenly Father,
in the hope of eternal blessings,
and in adhering lovingly to your Crucified Jesus
who has made our crosses his own.

If we are protected by you, O Mary,
calm amid earthly perturbation will not be an empty word.
It will be repose for the strong,
watchful against hostile forces;
repose for the pure,
away from worldly corruption.
And as through you we shall have had peace in this life,
so, at the end of our pilgrimage in time,
we shall enjoy peace for ever and ever.


February 5, 2018

Come, Holy Spirit, Creator, come.
From your bright heavenly throne!
Come, take possession of our souls,
And make them all Your Own!

O guide our minds with your blessed light,
With love our hearts inflame,
And with your strength, which never decays,
Confirm our mortal frame.

Far from us drive our hellish foe,
True peace to us bring,
And through all perils guide us safe
Beneath your sacred wing. 

Through You may we know the Father.
Through You the Eternal Son
And You the Spirit of them both
Bless us Three in One.

Now to the Father, and the Son
Who rose from death, be glory given,
With You, O holy Comforter,
Henceforth by all in earth and heaven.


February 4, 2018

Dear Father, who answers our prayers,
Help me to be steadfast in my praying to you,
even to stay awake that I may pray!
Fill my life with thanksgiving to you.
O God, I pray for all your servants everywhere
that you may open a door for us to proclaim your Word,
to declare the now-public secret,
Christ crucified, glorified, and coming,
and to make the message clear, as we ought to speak.
In the name of Jesus I ask you to fill our lives with your holy life 
and to claim all our motives and deeds as your own.


February 3, 2018

O God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
our only Savior, the Prince of Peace:
Give us grace seriously to lay to heart
the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions;
take away all hatred and prejudice,
and whatever else may hinder us from godly union and concord;
that, as there is but one Body and one Spirit,
one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism,
one God and Father of us all,
so we may be all of one heart and of one soul,
united in one holy bond of truth and peace,
of faith and charity,
and may with one mind and one mouth glorify You;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.



About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984