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Daily Prayer Archive

January 18, 2018

God Our Heavenly Father
You created the world to serve humanity's needs
and to lead them to You.
By our own fault
we have lost the beautiful relationship
which we once had with all Your creation.
Help us to see that by restoring our relationship with You
we will also restore it with all Your creation.
Give us the grace to see all animals as gifts from You
and to treat them with respect
for they are Your creation.
May the order You originally established
be once again restored to the whole world
through the intercession of the Glorious Virgin Mary,
the prayers of St. Francis
and the merits of Your Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Who lives and reigns with You now and forever.


January 17, 2018

Loving Father,
faith in Your Word is the way to wisdom.
Help me to think about Your Divine Plan
that I may grow in the truth.
Open my eyes to Your deeds,
my ears to the sound of Your call,
so that my every act may help me share
in the life of Jesus.
Give me the grace to live the example of the love of Jesus,
which I celebrate in the Eucharist
and see in the Gospel.
Form in me the likeness of Your Son
and deepen His Life within me.

January 16, 2018

O Lord my God,
I believe in you,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Grant that I may always and ardently
seek out your countenance.
Here I am before you
with my firmness and my infirmity.
Preserve the first and heal the second.
Here I am before you
with my strength and my ignorance.
Where you have opened the door to me,
welcome me at the entrance;
where you have closed the door to me,
Open to my cry;
enable me to remember you,
to understand you,
and to love you.


January 15, 2018

Hear, O Blessed Virgin,
the prayers which we address you,
Our Lady of Rest,
as we are mindful of that maternal love
in which you receive your children.

It is by your powerful intercession, O Mary,
that our hearts and minds find rest.
We know well our own weakness;
but we trust in the everlasting promises,
and we hope for eternal happiness
as we cling to the crucified Jesus,
who has made His cross to be ours as well.

January 14, 2018

God, my Father,
You have promised to remain forever with those
who do what is just and right.
Help me to live in Your presence.
The loving plan of Your Wisdom was made known when
Jesus, your Son, became man like us.
I want to obey His commandment of love
and bring Your peace and joy to others.
Keep before me the wisdom and love
You have made known in Your Son.
Help me to be like Him in word and deed.

January 13, 2018

Father in Heaven,
when the Spirit came down upon Jesus
at His Baptism in the Jordan,
You revealed Him as Your own Beloved Son.
Keep me, Your child,
born of water and the Spirit,
faithful to my calling.
May I, who share in Your Life
as Your child through Baptism,
follow in Christ's path of service to people.
Let me become one in His Sacrifice
and hear His Word with faith.
May I live as Your child,
following the example of Jesus.

January 12, 2018

O Lord Jesus, like Saint Paul,
may I count everything as loss
in comparison with the supreme advantage of knowing you.
I want to know you and what your passion and resurrection can do.
I also want to share in your sufferings
in the hope that if I resemble you in death
I may somehow attain to the resurrection from the dead.
Give me grace to make every effort
to supplement faith with moral courage,
knowledge with self-control,
self-control with patience,
patience with piety,
piety with brotherly affection,
and brotherly affection with love.
May these virtues keep me both active and fruitful
and bring me to the deep knowledge of you,
Lord Jesus Christ.


January 11, 2018

Father of Heaven and earth,
hear my prayer and show me the way to peace.
Guide each effort of my life
so that my faults and my sins
may not keep me from the peace You promised.
May the new life of grace You give me
through the Eucharist and prayer
make my love for You grow
and keep me in the joy of Your Kingdom.

January 10, 2018

O Divine Spirit,
Who have so often enlightened my soul
with the light of Your beams,
I thank You with all my heart.

O Divine Spirit, who have sent me
so many holy inspirations and good desires,
I thank You with all my heart.

O Divine Spirit, who sustain my weakness
by Your sovereign virtue,
I thank You with all my heart.

For the acts of virtue that You have made me accomplish
and that are due to Your salutary assistance,
I thank You with all my heart.

For the little good that I have been able to do by Your help,
I thank You with all my heart.

January 9, 2018

Almighty and everlasting God,
You have given to Your servants grace
for professing the true faith
and acknowledging the glory of the eternal Trinity
and in the power of Your majesty to worship the Unity;
grant that by steadfastness in the same faith
we may forever be defended from all adversities.
Through Christ our Lord.

January 8, 2018

May the Lord Jesus place His hands on our eyes
that we may begin to catch sight
of the thing that are not seen
more than the things that are seen.

May He open our eyes
that they will alight on the things to come
more than on the things of this age.

May He unveil the vision of our heart
that it may contemplate God in spirit.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ
to whom belongs glory and power for ever.


January 7, 2018

O Lord, You have gifted the Church
through the goodness of your Grace
to be your hands and do your work,
to be your voice and share your words,
to bring healing to a fallen world
and broken lives make whole.
You have gifted your people
with the blessings of your Spirit,
the power to transform lives
and make all things new.
Now may our hearts receive,
our mouths proclaim,
our hands prepare for service,
that the love that we have known
might overflow the lives we live
and pour into the hearts of others,
that all might receive your Grace,
your renewing Spirit and your love.


January 6, 2018

O Christ Jesus,
when all is darkness 
and we feel our weakness and helplessness,
give us the sense of Your presence,
Your love, and Your strength.
Help us to have perfect trust
in Your protecting love 
and strengthening power,
so that nothing may frighten or worry us,
for, living close to You,
we shall see Your hand,
Your purpose, Your will through all things.

January 5, 2018

O Most Holy Virgin,
I venerate you with my whole heart,
above all the Angels
and Saints in Heaven.
I consecrate to you my soul with all its faculties.
I consecrate to you my body with all its senses.
I consecrate to you my heart with all its affections,
begging you to obtain for me of the Most Sacred Trinity
every help for my salvation.

January 4, 2018

Heavenly Father,
We give you thanks for the privilege of sharing
the joy of the Gospel in many cultures.

Keep us faithful in responding to your call to communion
with your creation, with the poor
and with those who are spiritually alienated.

Lord Jesus,
grant us the wisdom to know the path we should take,
as we interpret the charism of our founders
and pass it on to future generations.

Holy Spirit,
help us to be strong and courageous
in proclaiming the transforming and liberating power
of the Kingdom of God, knowing that you
are with us wherever we go.

St. Columban, pray for us.



About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984