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Daily Prayer Archive

January 13, 2017

O Jesus, who in the very first days of Your earthly life was compelled, together with Mary, Your loving Mother, and Saint Joseph, to leave Your native land and to endure in Egypt the misery and discomforts of poor emigrants, turn Your eyes upon our brethren, who, far away from their dear country and from all that is dear to them, are not infrequently constrained to struggle with the difficulties of a new life, and who are likewise often exposed to grave dangers and snares for their immortal souls. Be their guide in their uncertain journey, their help in trouble, their comfort in sorrow; keep them safe in their faith, holy in their lives, and faithful to their children, their wives, and their parents; grant, O Lord, that we may be able to embrace them affectionately once more in their native land, and hereafter to live inseparably united to them at the foot of Your throne in our heavenly country. Amen.

January 11, 2017

O Jesus, we know you are gentle and that you gave your Heart for us. It was crowned with thorns through our sins. We know that even today you are praying for us so that we will not be lost. Jesus, remember us when we fall into sin. Through your most Sacred Heart, make us all love one another. Cause hatred to disappear among men. Show us your love. We all love you and we want you to protect us with your Heart of the Good Shepherd. Come into each heart, Jesus! Knock at the door of our hearts. Be patient and persistent with us. We are still closed up in ourselves because we have not understood your will. Knock continuously, O Jesus, make our hearts open to you, at least in remembering the Passion you have suffered for us. Amen.

January 11, 2017

As down in the sunless retreats of the ocean Sweet flowers are springing no mortal can see, So deep in my soul the still prayer of devotion, Unheard by the world, rises silent to Thee. As still to the star of its worship, though clouded, The needle points faithfully over the dim sea, So dark when I roam in this wintry world shrouded, The hope of my spirit turns trembling to Thee.

January 10, 2017

Gentle Jesus, with faith in Your healing powers and confidence in Your constant compassion, I ask you to heal my suffering spirit. May my soul find rest in Your comforting love and relief from sorrow and anguish. I place my trust in Your power to heal my spirit from feelings of hopelessness, unrest, and despair. Amen.

January 9, 2017

O Lord, your majesty is beyond imagination the eternal King high and lifted up to whom the angels worship. Your power is beyond understanding the Creator God who shakes the heavens yet holds us in his hands. Your mercy is beyond our deserving the Savior God once born for us now sacrificed in love. Forgive the smallness of our faith the magnitude of our need, the depth of our sorrow. Raise us up to new life and new ways of service through Jesus Christ Your Son, our Lord. Amen

January 8, 2017

Lord, You invite all who are burdened to come to you. Allow Your healing Hand to heal me. Touch my soul with Your compassion for others; touch my heart with Your courage and infinite Love for all; touch my mind with Your Wisdom, and may my mouth always proclaim Your praise. Teach me to reach out to You in all my needs, and help me to lead others to You by my example. Most loving Heart of Jesus, bring me health in body and spirit that I may serve You with all my strength. Touch gently this life which you have created, now and forever. Amen.

January 7, 2017

Lord Jesus, open our hearts and minds to the guidance of your Spirit. Help us to discern the Father's will for your Church today. Do not let our weaknesses or prejudices hinder your work, and teach us to do all we can to make the kingdom of the Father come on earth. Bring us to the harmony and unity given by your Spirit, and make us one in praising God with you.

January 6, 2017

You have gifted the Church through the goodness of your Grace to be your hands and do your work, to be your voice and share your words, to bring healing to a fallen world and broken lives make whole. You have gifted your people with the blessings of your Spirit, the power to transform lives and make all things new. Now may our hearts receive, our mouths proclaim, our hands prepare for service, that the love that we have known might overflow the lives we live and pour into the hearts of others, that all might receive your Grace, your renewing Spirit and your love. Amen

January 5, 2017

Generous God, for all that sustains us; air to breath, warmth and light, food to eat, water to drink, we offer our thanks and praise. For spiritual gifts that bind us together; one people, one body empowered for service we offer our hands and voices. For the Good News of the Gospel; healing and wholeness freedom and justice we offer our hearts in service. Amen

January 4, 2017

O Mary, hail full of grace, the Lord is with you. May I partake of that grace. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed be St. Anne, thy mother, of whom you were without spot or stain, O Virgin Mary; from you was born Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. Amen.

January 3, 2017

Thank You dear Lord, for protecting and preserving me during the night and for giving me this new day. Good morning Heavenly Father, and thank you for the glory of the sun. Thank you for the health I have to get my duty done. I shall devout the hours of this golden day to You, by honoring Your Holy Name in everything I do. I shall pursue my daily art without complaint or fear and spend my every effort to be friendly and sincere. I know there have been many days that I have wiled away. But this is one that I will try to make Your special day. And so once more, Good Morning Heavenly Father. And please depend on me because I want to honor you for all eternity. Amen.

January 2, 2017

I humbly salute you, O Lord. I give you heartfelt thanks for all the love and goodness you show my family. One day I will repay your care for them, and before the whole heavenly court acknowledge their indebtedness to your guidance and protection. Continue to watch over them. Provide for all their needs of body and soul. Pray, likewise, for me, for my spouse, and my whole family, that we may all one day rejoice in your blessed company. Amen

December 31, 2016

Grant me O Lord a steady hand and watchful eye. That no one shall be hurt as I pass by. You gave life, I pray no act of mine May take away or mar that gift of Thine. Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear me company, From the evils of fire and all calamity. Teach me to use my car for others need; Nor miss through love of undue speed The beauty of the world; that thus I may With joy and courtesy go on my way. St. Christopher, holy patron of travelers, Protect me and lead me safely to my destiny.

December 30, 2016

Teach me, Lord Jesus, to be generous: to serve You as You deserve; to give, not counting the cost; to fight, not heeding the wounds; to toil, not asking for rest; to labor, not seeking any reward, save that of knowing that we do Your will. Amen.

December 29, 2016

O my God and my all, in Your goodness and mercy, grant that before I die I may regain all the graces which I have lost through my carelessness and folly. Permit me to attain the degree of merit and perfection to which You desire to lead me, and which I failed by my unfaithfulness to reach. Mercifully grant also that others regain the graces which they have lost through my fault. This I humbly beg through the merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Virgin Mary. Amen.


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984