Good morning my Lord, I can't believe it's morning again! It seems that I'm always busy and rushing around. But no matter how rushed life may be, help me to think of You always. Thank you for another glorious day, may Your word be always on my lips in my heart and on my mind. I love you my Lord, Saviour and friend. Amen.
December 27, 2016
God of love, Father of all, the darkness that covered the earth has given way to the bright dawn of your Word made flesh. Make us a people of this light. Make us faithful to your Word, that we may bring your life to the waiting world. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
December 26, 2016
Lord, in this holy season of prayer, song and laughter, we praise you for the great wonders you have sent us: for shining star and angel's song, for infant's cry in lowly manger. We praise you for the Word made flesh in a little Child. We behold his glory, and are bathed in its radiance. Be with us as we sing the ironies of Christmas, the incomprehensible comprehended, the poetry made hard fact, the helpless Babe who cracks the world asunder. We kneel before you shepherds, innkeepers, wise men. Help us to rise bigger than we are. Amen.
December 25, 2016
Thank you God for sending Your Son on one glorious night to be born of the Virgin Mary, to live a perfect life and to die on the cross for my sins. Thank you that he rose from the dead three days later and that this Christmas and every Christmas we can celebrate the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Amen.
December 24, 2016
God of endless ages, Father of all goodness, we keep vigil for the dawn of salvation and the birth of your Son. With gratitude we recall his humanity, the life he shared with the sons of men. May the power of his divinity help us answer his call to forgiveness and life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
December 23, 2016
God our Father, every year we rejoice as we look forward to this feast of our salvation. May we welcome Christ as our Redeemer, and meet Him with confidence when He comes to be our judge, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
December 22, 2016
Father in Heaven, You made me Your child and called me to walk in the Light of Christ. Free me from darkness and keep me in the Light of Your Truth. The Light of Jesus has scattered the darkness of hatred and sin. Called to that Light, I ask for Your guidance. Form my life in Your Truth, my heart in Your Love. Through the Holy Eucharist, give me the power of Your Grace that I may walk in the Light of Jesus and serve Him faithfully.
December 21, 2016
O Lord, Your grace has achieved for us all that You had spoken and promised. Grant us access to the place of Your peace. Blessed are we, O Lord, because we have known You! Blessed are we, because we have believed in You! Blessed are we, because we bear Your wounds and the sign of Your Blood! Blessed are we, because You are our great hope! Blessed are we, because You are our God forever!
December 20, 2016
Father, we are filled with the new light by the coming of your Word among us. May the light of faith shine in our words and actions. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
December 19, 2016
O Jesus, sweet Jesus, O Jesus divine, My life and my death to You I give. Every action of mine shall Your patronage claim; For whatever I do shall be done in Your name. Come Holy Spirit, enlighten my mind and direct my will, that I may do what is pleasing to You and conductive to my salvation. Amen
December 18, 2016
Lord Jesus, lifted up on the Cross You offered yourself for us all. Your wounds for our healing, Your sufferings for our faults, Your agony for our peace, Your forgiveness for our sins, Your thirst for our comfort, Your blood for our redemption, Your death for our life. Lifted up on the Cross You promised the repentant thief a place with you in paradise, lifted up as a sign in the desert You promised to draw us all to yourself. Lord, grant to my departed friends the gift of life with you in paradise, draw them all to yourself in the kingdom of love and peace which never ends, where sorrows turn to joy, and w are made whole again in your eternal love. Amen
December 17, 2016
Faithful Shepherd, You are not a hireling who runs away at the sight of danger, but Your fidelity was tested and proven on the wood of the Cross. Accept the gift of our gratitude for Your marvelous care. Help us to hear and follow Your voice. Watchful Shepherd, who protects the flock and searches tirelessly for those who wander from the fold, retrieve the lost and bring them home. Tend and heal their wounds. Good Shepherd, who lays down His Life for His sheep, nourish Your people with the Bread of Life, that we may reflect Your likeness and enjoy the spring of Living Water that never ends. Amen.
December 16, 2016
Good Morning God! You are ushering in another day, untouched and freshly new. So here I am to ask you, God, if You'll renew me too. Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday and let me try again dear God to walk closer in Your way. But Lord, I am well aware, I can't make it on my own. So take my hand and hold it tight, for I cannot walk alone.
December 15, 2016
Lord God, we praise you for creating man, and still more for restoring him in Christ. Your Son shared our weakness; may we share his glory, for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
December 14, 2016
Eternal God, You have revealed Yourself as the Father of all Life. We praise You for the Fatherly care which You extend to all creation, and especially to us, made in Your image and likeness. Father, extend Your hand of protection to those threatened by abortion, and save them from its destructive power. Give Your strength to all fathers, that they may never give in to the fears that may tempt them to facilitate abortions. Bless our families and bless our land, that we may have the joy of welcoming and nurturing the life of which You are the source and the Eternal Father. Amen.