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Daily Prayer Archive

February 27, 2017

Gracious God, I pray that with your grace, I and all people will reverence, protect, and promote all life and that we will be especially sensitive to the life of the unborn, the abused, neglected, disabled, and the elderly. I pray, too, that all who make decisions about life in any form will do so with wisdom, love, and courage.

February 26, 2017

Loving Father, I stand before You in the midst of confusion and complexities of life. My future sometimes seems distant and unknown. Give me, O Lord, the vision to see the path You set before me. Grant me the courage to follow Your way, that through the gifts and talents You have given me, I may bring Your life and Your love to others. I ask this through Jesus, Your Son and my Brother. Amen.

February 25, 2017

Lord, Jesus, through Your infant cries when You were born for me in the manger, through Your tears when You died for me on the Cross, through Your love as You live for me in the tabernacle, have mercy on me and save me. Amen.

February 24, 2017

Dear Jesus, At times, we don’t like aspects of the people we live or work with. We wish to create them in the image we want. No one is perfect. Help us appreciate people as they are. Amen – Columban Fr. John Comiskey

February 23, 2017

Loving Father, faith in Your Word is the way to wisdom. Help me to think about Your Divine Plan that I may grow in the truth. Open my eyes to Your deeds, my ears to the sound of Your call, so that my every act may help me share in the life of Jesus. Give me the grace to live the example of the love of Jesus, which I celebrate in the Eucharist and see in the Gospel. Form in me the likeness of Your Son and deepen His Life within me.

February 22, 2017

Lord, Make me an instrument of your love. May I see each circumstance in my life as an opportunity to grow in your love. May I see my environment as a place to grow in your love. Help me be loyal to those you give me to love. Help me to believe in them, even when they do not believe in themselves. To expect the best from them, but accept the best they can give. May I always defend them, as you always defend me. All gifts and powers come from you. All will come to an end. With one important exception, the gift of love! Lord, when I was a child, I thought like a child, I acted like a child, and I reasoned like a child. Now that I have become an adult, I release my childish ways. Amen.

February 21, 2017

Loving mother of the Redeemer, gate of heaven, star of the sea, assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again. To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator, Yet remained a virgin after as before. You who received Gabriel's joyful greeting, have pity on us poor sinners.

February 20, 2017

Almighty God, Who has given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly ask You that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Your favor and glad to do Your will. Bless our land with honorable ministry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people, the multitude brought to us from many lands. Endow with Your spirit of wisdom those whom in Your name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Your law, we may show forth Your praise among the nations of the earth.

February 19, 2017

Loving and gracious God You gave us your Son, Jesus Christ. He gave of Himself, not only on the cross, but in every moment of His life. He saw the hungry; He fed them. He saw the lame; He cured them. He saw the sick; He healed them. He saw the discouraged; He encouraged them. He saw the dying; He gave them new life. He gave. In this way, He taught us to give. Loving and gracious God Open our hearts to Your mission and ministry. Strengthen our resolve to be like Your Son, Jesus Christ, To give of ourselves in every moment of our lives.

February 18, 2017

God, my Father, may I love You in all things and above all things. May I reach the joy which You have prepared for me in Heaven. Nothing is good that is against Your Will, and all that is good comes from Your Hand. Place in my heart a desire to please You and fill my mind with thoughts of Your Love, so that I may grow in Your Wisdom and enjoy Your Peace.

February 17, 2017

Holy Immaculate Mary, help all who are in trouble. Give courage to the faint-hearted, console the sad, heal the infirm, pray for the people, intercede for the clergy, have a special care for nuns; may all feel, all enjoy your kind and powerful assistance, all who now and always render and will render, you honor, and will offer you their petitions. Hear all our prayers, O Mother, and grant them all. We are all your children: Grant the prayers of your children. Amen

February 16, 2017

Lord Jesus, our Savior, You have made Your mother Mary a faithful follower of God's law and a chosen member of Your Church. Through her prayers, may we continue to grow in Your love. Lord Jesus, King of all the saints, we praise You now and for ever. Amen.

February 15, 2017

Lord Jesus, you came into the world to heal our infirmities and to endure our sufferings. You went about healing all and bringing comfort to those in pain and need. We come before you now asking that you may be the source of our strength in body, courage in spirit and patience in pain. May we join ourselves more closely to you on the cross and in your suffering that through them we may draw our patience and hope. Assist us and restore us to health so that united more closely to your family, the Church, we may give praise and honor to your name. Amen.

February 14, 2017

O Lord, thank you for the precious gift of love you have given to me and the world. Thank you for blessing me every day with this love and for the power and strength that I get from it. I need your love to sustain me. Without it I am lost. Your love is like food and medicine for my soul Lord. Please continue to let me feel your comforting love that I may be able to express it and share it with others.

February 13, 2017

For the love You bear to those who ask forgiveness, look mercifully on me, as once You looked on Mary Magdalene and on Peter who denied You. Look on me, Lord Jesus Christ, as You looked on the thief on his cross and on every sinner whom You have ever forgiven. Call me from darkness to my Father's house, give me a new heart and a place at Your side at the banquet of Your kingdom. Amen.


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984